- L. Boccali, D. Costarelli, G. Vinti, Convergence results in Orlicz spaces for sequences of max-product Kantorovich sampling operators, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 449 (2024), 115957.
- D. Costarelli, A.R. Sambucini, A comparison among a fuzzy algorithm for image rescaling with other methods of digital image processing, Constructive Mathematical Analysis, 7(2) (2024), 45-68.
- L. Coroianu, D. Costarelli, M. Natale, A. Pantiș, The approximation capabilities of Durrmeyer-type neural network operators, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, (2024).
- L. Coroianu, D. Costarelli, Best approximation and inverse results for neural network operators, Results in Mathematics, 79 (2024) 193.
- M. Isopi, B. Scoppola, A. Troiani, On some features of quadratic unconstrained binary optimization with random coefficients, Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana, (2024).
- A. Troiani, Probabilistic Cellular Automata Monte Carlo for the Maximum Clique Problem, Mathematics, 12(18) (2024), 2850.
- L. Boccali, D. Costarelli, G. Vinti, Max-Product Sampling Kantorovich Operators: Quantitative Estimates in Functional Spaces, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, (2024), 1–19. (green open access version at arXiv:2306.03560)
- D. Costarelli, M. Piconi, Asymptotic Analysis of Neural Network Operators Employing the Hardy-Littlewood Maximal Inequality, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 21(199) (2024). doi: 10.1007/s00009-024-02752-8. (green open access: submitted version of the paper)
- A. Veneri, P. Burghignoli, D. Comite, Microwave Imaging with Circular Arrays: Comparative Analysis between OAM and MIMO, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (2024), doi: 10.1109/TAP.2024.3516358.
- L. Angeloni, D. Costarelli, C. Darielli, Approximation processes by multidimensional Bernstein-type exponential polynomials on the hypercube, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas, 119(28) (2025) (green open access: submitted version of the paper).
- M. Cantarini and D. Costarelli, Simultaneous approximation by neural network operatorswith applications to Voronovskaja formulas, Mathematische Nachrichten (2025), doi: 10.1002/mana.202400281.
- D. Costarelli, M. Piconi, Implementation of neural network operators with applications to remote sensing data, submitted (2024), arXiv:2412.00375.
- L. Angeloni, D.D. Bloisi, P. Burghignoli, D. Comite, D. Costarelli, M. Piconi, A.R. Sambucini, A. Troiani, A. Veneri, Microwave Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture, Above Ground Biomass and Freeze-Thaw Dynamic: Modeling and Empirical Approaches, submitted (2025), arXiv:2412.03523.
- D. Costarelli, M. Piconi, Strong and weak sharp bounds for Neural Network Operators in Sobolev-Orlicz spaces and their quantitative extensions to Orlicz spaces, submitted (2025), arxiv:2501.10101.
- D. Costarelli, M. Natale, M. Piconi, Image resizing by neural network operators and their convergence rate with respect to the L^p-norm and the dissimilarity index defined through the continuous SSIM, submitted (2025), arXiv:2501.14857.
- A. Veneri, V. Suriani, A. Troiani, D.D. Bloisi, P. Burghignoli, D. Costarelli, I. Mereu, M. Natale, M. Piconi, D. Comite, A Review on Retrieval Methods for Microwave Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture, Above-Ground Biomass, and Freeze-Thaw Dynamic, submitted (2025), 10.36227/techrxiv.174000579.94856636/v1.
- D. Costarelli, M. Piconi, G. Vinti, A characterization of generalized Lipschitz classes by the rate of convergence of semi-discrete operators, submitted (2025), arxiv:2502.11952.